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Spacemen 3 The Perfect Prescription Rar Files


Spacemen 3 The Perfect Prescription Rar Files Pdf

Spacemen 3 best album

By now, any review thatattempts to coerce the readerinto concerted consideration ofa record synonymous withforging the template for thewarbled trills and drones ofspace-rock, would truly be anexercise in futility. Instead, we can only provide reasons why,on The Perfect Prescription,Spacemen 3 found the formulafor a record smothered in hazywistfulness, and punch-drunkbut assertive, guitar-ledattacks. Indeed, the first tracksets out the group’s stall:groggy and drugged-out but asdirty and brash as the mostrevered of the Stooges’numerous aural incursions.From this gallant beginning,which hints at the misty spirals ofdazed guitar strains that follow,Spacemen 3 truly enter theouterworld. Each drifting headtripslowly, but delicately, flutters inthe ether, fuelled by carefullyplucked notes and sweepingviolins. These meditative odes tothe stars are often filled with adelicious sensuality.With each song absent of anymusical wastage, melodies arefired like electromagnetic chaffinto the dark beyond, neverceasing to exist, instead driftingand reverberating endlesslyaround the spiritual cosmos.