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After Effects Trapcode Particular
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We are all here to help and learn together. Thanks, and happy After Effecting! Related subreddits:. VIDEO. 3D. IMAGE EDITING. VECTOR GRAPHICS.

And, if you really want to get into music visualization. So I'm going to try out the Trapcode Particular plugin for After Effects for a project I'm working on (yup, I'm aware the the trial will render a big red X on my project).:) I went to the Red Giant website to download the trial of Particular 2.2. I went into the folder I downloaded and opened the 'Trapcode Suite 12.1.1 Installer' file, the install was successful, and everything seemed to go fine. I checked the plugin folder for After Effects, and I couldn't seem to find the plugin there, I figured I was looking in the wrong folder. So I opened the program, made a new solid to apply the effect to, and there is nothing there. So I figured I could try to reinstall it, so I opened the 'Red Giant Uninstaller' file, and it says I don't have any Red Giant software on my computer. Is there anything I'm missing?
Trapcode Particular Free Download
The download instructions only say to just open the zip file, and that's it. Program: After Effects CS6 version 11.0.2 Operating system: OSX Mountain Lion 10.8.4. You'd be better off asking Red Giant, but here's some advice anyway: It might have installed and you don't realize. Make sure you are looking in the correct Effects bin in AE. Particular should be under Trapcode. Best option is to use the Effects Pane, not the drop down menu. Use the search filter and type in Particular.
Also, make sure you are installing Particular in the right place. I don't remember how their installer works, but it probably asks you what version of AE you have and would like to install ito. Different versions of AE have used different relative folders for Plug-ins, so sometimes plugins with older installers put things in the wrong places. You say you just unzipped the file. Did you actually run the installer?